প্রকাশিত: ০৭/০৮/২০১৮ ৩:৪৬ পিএম , আপডেট: ১৬/০৮/২০১৮ ১১:৪০ পিএম

The UNHCR Representation in Bangladesh



UNHCR Bangladesh invites applications from qualified candidates for the following position:

Title of the Post : Assistant WASH Officer
Position Number : 10028075
Location : UNHCR Sub Office, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
Number of vacancies : One
Duration : Initially for a period of 1 (one) year
Date of Entry on Duty : as soon as possible
Category and Level : NOA – National Officer (Fixed Term Appointment)
Closing Date : 13 August 2018
The position will support the UNHCR Country Operation, in coordination with the Government, to assess needs and coordinate the provision of WASH services to persons of concern to UNHCR. This will include coordination at site level with WASH partners in conjunction with the government authorities, and monitoring progress of WASH programme implementation to ensure that an adequate level of WASH service is provided at each site in accordance with the UNHCR WASH Manual and Technical Guidelines, and applicable UNHCR Standards and/or National Standards. The position will assist in WASH activities at site level and report to the Head of WASH Unit.



UNHCR’s policies, standards and procedures relating to WASH are appropriately and coherently applied in the area of responsibility.
UNHCR country operation has sufficient support in the field of WASH and thus better able to meet the needs of persons of concern.
Regular reports on WASH gaps and implementation through UNHCR reporting channels provided.
Improved and upgraded water supply system and infrastructure to serve the refugees and other persons of concern, and if possible, also to the host communities implemented.
Sanitation and solid waste management improved.
Hygiene promotion and capacity building intensified.
Environmental impact caused by refugees’ presence in hosting areas reduced.

At site level, assist in the delivery of WASH services for refugees and other persons of concern to meet the UNHCR standards and / or the national WASH standards, depending on the context.
At site level, Coordinate the activities of WASH Partners, together with other UN agencies, governmental and non-governmental counterparts and local authorities to ensure delivery of WASH services to beneficiaries meet UNHCR standards of assistance, depending on the context.
Jointly with technical staff of implementing partners and other WASH actors, update detailed needs and resource assessments and revise designs of technical plans as necessary, taking into account practical aspects of implementation, long-term sustainable solutions, and relevant technical specifications and guidelines.
Advise and assist the UNHCR programme staff on the development of WASH aspects of the programme including planning, budgeting and input to financial management of the programme.
Provide technical guidance and support to partners on all water, sanitation, hygiene promotion and environment related issues, to ensure quality, cost-effectiveness, sustainability and impact soundness in their implementation and in accordance with UNHCR policies, standards and priorities.
Monitor the implementation of the ongoing water, sanitation, hygiene projects administered directly by UNHCR and its partners.
Report regularly on WASH activity implementation by all WASH partners, while maintaining accurate records of all relevant WASH performance indicators.
Support preparation of monthly sectorial reports and submit material for preparation of periodic project monitoring reports as required by the office at country level.
Perform other related duties as required.

Represent UNHCR in implementation and monitoring of all WASH activities.
Enforce technical standards, protocols and guidelines.
Request WASH sector partners for engineering design, assessment and monitoring & evaluation documents associated with the WASH activities.

Undergraduate degree (equivalent of a BA/BS) in Civil / Environmental / Water / Public Health Engineering or related field.
Minimum 2 year of relevant experience.
Knowledge of local institutions.
Excellent knowledge of English (spoken and written) and good knowledge of local language.

Good knowledge and understanding of WASH standards for emergencies and refugee camps including UNHCR WASH Manual, SPHERE (e-SPHERE) and UNHCR Emergency Handbook technical guidelines and standards.
Knowledge and understanding of water and wastewater hydraulics and physical, chemical and biological properties; solid waste management practices, vector control, sanitation and hygiene promotion/awareness raising strategies.
Knowledge and understanding of relationship between water, wastewater, solid waste, human waste, vector control to public health indicators, and value of hygiene promotion/awareness raising.
Knowledge and understanding of risk based monitoring and evaluation, multi-criteria analysis and project management and control.
Excellent knowledge of Chittagonian and/or Rohingya language.
Submission of application:
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to submit their applications with complete Personal History Form and Supplementary Pages via online UNHCR Bangladesh Job Portal www.unhcr.io/jobs.

Shortlisted candidates are required to sit for an interview and written test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applications will be accepted.

UNHCR is an equal opportunity employer and does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training or any other fees).

Deadline for submission of application: 13 August 2018



Source: bdjobs

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